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Power2Health Disclaimer

Power2Health is not a medical centre but a wellness & health centre. Power2Health and their staff can not give any medical advice or subscribe any medicine. If you are currently under any influence of substance abuse, or use of medication and you do not inform any of the Power2Health staff members, we do not take any responsibility for death and/or injuries. It is your responsibility to inform the Power2Health team of any sickness, medication use, disease, abuse, trauma and/or surgeries, if you fail to do so we can not be held liable for any death and/or injury.


When you have a minor or severe medical condition, we do suggest that your Medical Practitioner(s) gives consent for you to go forward with treatment at Power2Health. If you choose not to get consent from them, that will be a personal choice for your as client and Power2Health cannot be held liable.


Due to the new POPI act that came into effect on the 1st of July 2021 we at Power2Health want to assure you as a client that we will not share any personal information to anyone or any company without your consent. Your personal information and medical record will be kept confidential in your Power2Health medical file. Please keep in mind of our 3 hour cancellation and no-refund policy.


We ask for your permission to send you new information & specials regarding all Power2Health Treatments. Please be aware of our no-refund policy.

Unique Physique, 2a East Road Morningside

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2023 Power2Health Sandton

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